If you pay in full for your security deposit insurance, the entire cost of the policy will be charged once you complete enrollment. There will be no recurring monthly charges. However, unless you opt-out, your policy will be automatically charged for renewal prior to your coverage expiration date in accordance with the terms of the policy. Be sure to sign into your account regularly and look out for emails from Rhino regarding the renewal of your Rhino Security Deposit Insurance Policy. If you are on a monthly payment schedule*, you will be charged for your first month immediately upon completing enrollment. You will then be charged automatically each month, using the card on file in your account. You can find information about your past and upcoming payments by logging into your account. Finding your payment dateYour payment date will be the same date each month - the same date of the month as your coverage start date. Your coverage start date is the date after you complete your Rhino policy. You can find your payment date by logging into your renter dashboard and clicking on your Active policy.
For example, if you completed your policy on December 1, 2021, your coverage start date will be December 2, 2021. You would then be charged on the 2nd of each month afterwards. The date your payment is due cannot be adjusted after enrollment. How to make a monthly payment?If you are on a monthly payment schedule*, your Rhino payments will be automatically charged to the card on file. No action is required to make your payment each month, as long as the card on file is still valid. If you need to update the payment information in your account or pay an overdue balance, you can log into your account to do so anytime. What If I'm late on my payments?If you are unable to make a payment on your scheduled due date, payments are re-tried on a schedule, so there will be future attempts to receive payment. You may also log into your account at sayrhino.com to make your payment if it is past due. At this time, Rhino does not offer payment plans for premium payments. |