Your payment information can be updated at any point during the life of your policy. Be mindful of your payment schedule before adjusting your payment information. It’s important to remain up to date on your Rhino payments, and understand when your payment is due. Once you have updated your payment method, any failed payments will be automatically re-tried on your new card.
A payment method cannot be removed without adding a new one.
How to update your payment information:
- Log into your account.
- Navigate to the Billing & Payments tab
Click Update payment.
- Input the new card details.
- Click Save payment method.
How to pay your balance:
If you have one or more missed payments on your security deposit insurance policy, you will receive notice in your account dashboard and in your email.
To pay your balance, you can either click “Pay Now” from your dashboard or update your payment information to retry missed payments.
If your card does not have sufficient funds to pay the entire overdue balance, we will process part of your balance based on the funds available on your card.